Story Behind the Song
Not a song, actually a spoken introduction by Bryan and Me!
D: Hello, fellow patrons. My name is Dewey Jobange, and the following tunes before you belong to the first promotional album of the rock slash pop slash fusion group I am putting together. We are the “Dewey Jobange Life Chronicle”, and we sing songs about my life and other things that I care about. I am the lead vocalist and composer. My friend of 12 years, Bryan Wong, helps me with the instrumentation and is my co-vocalist. Oh here he is right now. Hey Bryan
B: Huh?
D: Come over and say hi!
B: What?
D: I’m introducing our new promotional album.
B: Right now? Where’s the producer?
D: No! It’s a recording! I’m introducing our record on the record!
B: Oh Oh
D: You’re kinda slow, you know.
B: Hey be quiet.
D: Hey hey, oh, we’re happy, we’re happy bandmates , no fights, nope!
B: Huh?
D: Say hi to everybody!
B: Hi! My name is Bryan Wong, and I do most of the arranging of Dewey’s compositions and …
D: I already introduced you, er, told them what you did.
B: Oh…Well, hi!
D: Hi, Bryan!
B: What?
D: Pardon my friend. He got in a car accident three years ago; his head must of hit the windshield hard.
B: You were driving!
D: Okay, okay, okay shut up. Okay, well, Bryan , why don’t you tell us about the first song we’ll play.
B: Uh…Okay…Um, what song?
D: The Dewey Jobange Theme, Bryan, Geez Louise
B: Oh, okay. The next song is the Dewey Jobange Theme Song.
D: It’s all about me!
B: Yeah, well, anyways, it came out pretty well, especially the drum mix , and the strings were nice. I’m glad we got that guitar solo in. Makes it quite
D: Tres moderne! Hey, it reminds me of Steve Reich.
B: Hmmm…Not really. You mean the organs? The guitar?
D: Hey, Steve Reich is a great guitarist! He’s like the best!
B: Wha..wha? Steve Reich is that Minimalist Composer!
D: Huh? Don’t antagonize me, Bryan
B: Do you mean, uh, uh, Steve Vai?
D: Yeah, that’s it. Steve Vai!
B: Hmmm…Not really. We couldn’t afford a really good guitarist.
D: Yeah I know. Well, what else is good about the recording, Bryan?
B: Well, um, I think the, uh, sitar effects is neat, and well the…
D: Anything about the lyrics, and my songwriting?
B: It’s…good.
D: Oh, it’s great, this song is about my life and my onwards stuggle.
B: Struggle? It’s about how narcissistic you are…
D: It’s about my stuggle Bryan. You don’t get it! My struggle! Yeah, I was about to call this promotional album "My Struggle" but Bryan had some reservations about that name, like it was the name of some book that not that many people like or something. Whatever. Bryan’s not very well-learned.
B: I’m not going to say anything.
D: Well, we worked hard on this tune, for a few days really, with the music and effects, and I hope you, the producers and listeners, will enjoy this piece, our first single ever, that we call, “The Dewey Jobange Theme!” Play it Bryan
B: Uh….Where is it?
D: Geez Louise Bryan! Can’t you do anything by yourself?….
etc. etc.