Story Behind the Song
This song was written by Magic Hat himself, "Matt Jacquette". (say his name five times fast and you will realize why) Occasionally Matt would take trips to places most of us only hear about which would give the band a little time off. During one of these trips, I beleive it was only a short trip across the country, this song was created. The lyrics were written by Matt Davey which represent the difficulties of being a faithful husband for someone who has become famous. Although a fictional story, we all hope we feel these pressures some day.
I stand before you a broken man;
The burnt up ashes in which all we came
I stand before you a broken man
I been burnt down to the core and built up again
With the women and the money, about the leisure and the honey,
about love and devotion, loyalty - it's an ocean, Don't Drown
When your down, everything seems so bad
Morning mourning, what did I save?
When your down, everything seems so bad
Thinking about what you don't got instead of what you have
The more I change, the more I stay the same
Strategies of the game
The more you change, the more you stay the same
We're living in a world of fools and it's a crying shame
Living in Wonton - Don't Drown
I feel you sinking down - Don't Drown