Story Behind the Song
The song was written for the ordination of the Reverend Judith Moller of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thurmont, Maryland, March 21, 1999. Kurt and Roger wanted to write a song that would distill Judy's personal call to her ministry. When asked, Judy said she hoped that the Lord would work through her to encourage people to use their gifts and talents to serve and share the spirit. Then she said: "As Christians, we are called and we are sent." The words of this song issue a very personal challenge to all Christians while offering the encouraging message that in the Lord, all things are possible. The song was recorded at Harvest Recording, Thurmont, MD in September 1999.
We are called; we are sent
With gifts Heaven lent,
Into a world so in need of His love.
From this place, we will go,
Like the wind, we will blow,
Spreading seeds of the good news to all!
The news of sins forgiven;
The news of God on earth.
By asking now this question
Made perfect by His birth:
What will we do with it --
The Grace of God from Heaven?
What can we do with it --
This blessing from above?
There's a gathering in Heaven,
And all are invited in,
Because Jesus Christ,upon the Cross,
Died for all our sins!
Second Verse:
We are called, we are sent
With gifts Heaven lent,
Into a world so in need of His love.
It's our place to take Grace
To the whole human race
And today is a new chance to begin!
Let us not be troubled,
We put our faith in God.
Jesus is our Guiding Light,
Whether home or abroad.
Repeat Chorus:
Third Verse:
We are called, we are sent
With gifts Heaven lent
Into a world so in need of His love.
With our ears we have heard
The power of God's word
And our eyes see His light today.
Let us not be weary,
We draw our strength from God.
We place our feet upon the path,
Treading where The Master trod.
Repeat Chorus: