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Written by firelight on the central coast of California, bass and drums summon the urgency of WEATHER, and the guitars respond with immediacy. Lap steel envelops the listener into the 'eye' of the storm, as a moment of clarity and calmness replaces the punctuation of the rhythm section. Thanks to David Danvers for lending a hand with the Big Muff guitar and melody lines. |
CD: "The Virtue of Evolution" {available January 2000)
Label: Audible Garden Records
Credits: Andy Zenczak (guitars, basses, sonics) -- Mark Quinn (drum set, drum effect processing) |
Story Behind the Song
A noteworthy approach to recording.... played to a click track, 7 channels were used on the first drum take and one on the first bass take- all of this was panned hard left. With the click in place, another take was recorded, with 6 drum channels and one bass channels, this time panned hard right. Oblivious to the possible result, all faders were pushed up, and two thunderous rhythm sections were commanding both speakers, working in perfect unison, except for brilliant lapses of communication between the left and right drum sets. In mixdown, these sections were accentuated by a gate effect which was manually pushed in and pulled out in sections. Recorded to 1" analog and mixed to 1/4" analog, the guitar and lap steel were later added to the digital format with the Roland VS-880, and finally, the entire song, with all it's parts were mixed and mastered to a Mactintosh computer.
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