Story Behind the Song
Love Them Anyway
I took the words almost directly from the poem Anyway, on a wall in Mother Theresa’s children’s ward in Calcutta. It’s funny that I was writing the song and suddenly remembered that I had written a song based on the poem several years earlier. I searched the house and finally found the old copy. The new version was almost exactly the same as the old one. Of course, I took liberties with the chorus and the bridge.
LOVE THEM ANYWAY (Mother Teresa’s song) Doug Urquhart
Inspired by “Anyway”, a poem on the wall of Mother Teresa’s children’s home in Calcutta, India
Copies are available from Thomas J. Bradley
1401 W. Washington, Phoenix 85007 * (602) 252-3058
If you do good, people will accuse you of ulterior motives
Do good anyway
And if you succeed, envy will surround you, and your enemies hate you
Love them anyway
Though they need help, people will despise you and resent you for helping
Help them anyway
Give the world the best you can though all that you give is rejected
If all you build should crumble into sand and even your life is affected
Love them anyway, love them anyway
Oh Lord, bless our works with love though our works don’t accomplish enough
People slander and push us away,
In Your name we forgive and forget all the pain
Love them anyway, love them anyway
People may seem illogical and selfish, not deserving of love
Love them anyway, love them anyway
Those who accuse you and abuse you and never ask your forgiveness
Love them anyway, love them anyway
Give the world the best you can though all that you give is rejected
If all you build should crumble into sand and even your life is affected
Love them anyway, love them anyway