Sabat: Translation
Music: Tereza Pilon
Words: Frantiäek Horka / Tereza Pilon
Arrange: Martin Otruba
Vassis atatlos vesul etcremus, verbo san hergo dibolia herbonos.
[v‡sis atatl—s vŽzul etkrŽmus, verb— san herg— dib—lija herb—nos]
Devils are sitting on the star wings,
Do not hesitate, do not wait you can ride!
There is a magical ball here this evening,
Har Sabbath,har Sabbath, Aye Saraye
Everyone is waiting my attendance
I am transfiguring into queen of the night
They play on skin, they whistle on bone
The dominator of the evening is adultery
I grease magic unguent on my temple:
Made of toad, aconite, durman(?), hen-bane,
I will get to know unearthy delight finally
I will take a taste of delight in virgin lap
2B: solo guitar
They play on skin, they whistle on bone
The dominator of the evening is adultery
I will sit on a whisk, IÕll saddle a pitchfork
IÕll go up by chimney into night
Bat will protect me with its wing on my way
I dash excited to my goal
Angels brought wrought key
With a terror they are closing heavenly gate
If you want to be saved go out of the way
Who stays with me, he overrun the edge
Master is strong and beautiful as a virgin
Together we will fall to paradise
I wish to be loved only by him
Till white day will disjoin us
I am fine tired after night whirl
I let carry myself on a tom-cat ridge
To make love all night long is not a sin
My soul will accept punishment with humility
Devils are sitting on the star wings,
Do not hesitate, do not wait you can ride!
There is a magical ball here this evening,
Har Sabbath,har Sabbath, Aye Saraye
Har Sabbath,har Sabbath, Aye Saraye
Aye Saraye , Aye Saraye