Story Behind the Song
Voice of Freedom inspires the whole world to unite against terror. Originally written with a more modest objective, the lyrics include the original 1948 voice of M A Jinnah, founder of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Representing a call for peace from the past combined with a rallying call of a young person from both east and west, these words now have a deeper significance, post September 11th 2001.
The music was composed by a British music director and the song is sung by a 14 year old British, Pakistani Christian. It calls all to live lives of Unity, Discipline and Faith in order to overcome the evils of the times in which we live.
Based on the original July 2001 recording, in a private studio in London, this edition of a momentous song is for everyone, especially in these unusual days.
"The success of our achievements will depend upon our Unity, Discipline and Faith" (M.A.Jinnah,1948)
Is all about you and me
Living in harmony
Learning to give and to forgive
So all the world can see
Our Discipline,
Power of not giving in
To the evil times we're living in
Keeping control of body and soul
And never letting go
Our faith, pure faith
Not the words some people say
But doing good from day to day
Holding tight to all that's right
And standing firm when others turn
Against the Voice of Freedom:
Discipline, Faith and Unity
Give us our opportunity
To build a real community,
A truly free society.
Unity, Faith and Discipline,
This is what we're believing in,
This is the truth we're living in,
Discovering, delivering.
It makes me cry
To see my brother die
With hatred in his eye,
A little boy with grown-up toys
Who knew no other way.
Why can't we see
That we were meant to be
Like one big family?
It's time to heal the pain we feel
And join our hearts to make
A holy land
In the way God always planned
Let's take our peaceful stand
Against the lies that hypnotise
Turn away from what they say
And hear the Voice of Freedom:
"Unity, Discipline and Faith, not only in ourselves but in God, who determines the destinies of the peoples of the nations" (M.A.Jinnah,1948)