Story Behind the Song
Life is hard enough as it is, there is no need for us to make it even more difficult.
Alex wrote this song while staying at the Atlantic Hotel in Hamburg, Germany - where Haia performs from time to time.
Stormy days and stormy nights
will fall without your lights
Burning fires and freezing lakes
will rage without your strokes
Noisy voices and streaming tempers
will speak without your pains
Life, that beam of light, let it shine
Life, that glow in the dark, let it burn
Life, that flicker in the mind, let it dream
Warm nights and warm thoughts
you knew how it floats
Your desires and your dreams
would form in our minds
Shiny stars and sparkling words
you could see in our lights
Life, that beam of light, let it shine
Life, that glow in the dark, let it burn
Life, that flicker in the mind, let it dream
Don’t tell me: “never”
Stay with me together
Making it forever
Life, that beam of light, let it shine
Life, that glow in the dark, let it burn
Life, that flicker in the mind, let it dream
Let it dream
Let it dream
Let it be Life