Story Behind the Song
I saw the sadness in their eyes... I've been in an adult club where I've been wathing to the stripper girls showing their acts...All of them were sad...Maybe because they don't like what are doing... but for money... I found it sad... Very sad...
(Romanian version)
Ma simt din ce in ce mai greu,
Parca nici gandul nu-i al meu,
Tu te distrezi in mintea ta,
Eu ma gandesc si-acum la ea.
Sa nu-mi spui nimic din tot ce-ai vrea,
Nu vreau sa stiu din nou parerea ta,
Sa nu-mi spui nici ca e prea tarziu acum...
Ma misc din ce in ce mai greu,
Durerea-n suflet sta mereu,
Tu ma privesti cu ochi nebuni,
La asta ai sa te rezumi...
(Translation in english)
I'm feelin' worse day by day,
Even my thoughts are not mine anymore,
Your having fun in your mind,
I'm still thinking of her...
Don't to tell me what you want to say anymore,
I don't wanna hear your advice again,
Don't tell me even that is to late now...
I'm movin' harder day by day,
The pain is always staying in my soul,
You're lookin' at me with crazy eyes,
That's all you'll ever get...