Story Behind the Song
This song was written after living in a very legalistic environment and finally finding FREEDOM IN CHRIST. It was written in joy, knowing that my own works do not earn me the right to go to heaven, but only the all-sufficient sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Now, I can live while recognizing that Jesus' blood continually cleanses me, and there is "no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Rom 8
What a great place to be! What a glorious existence! Thank You, God!!
State Of Grace
Words and Music Copyright © 2002 by Patricia W. Felker (ASCAP)
Verse 1:
Walking in this holy place,
I’m walking in a state of pure acceptance,
Growing in His mercy,
Drawing on His strength,
The peace of God upon my face,
No more wringing of my hands,
No more wondering where I stand,
I have fin’lly welcomed His grace,
I am through with counting mistakes,
I have packed my bags and got out of that place,
And moved to the STATE OF GRACE.
Verse 2:
It never should have been this hard,
It never should have taken years to get here,
Wish I could have skipped some ruts along the road,
Saved myself these trav’llin’ scars,
Fought a few less battles on the way,
Saved my strength for where I am today,
God has rescued me
His mercy set me free!