Story Behind the Song
The diversity between rich & poor
Do you take cream in your coffee?
Would you like a light for your smoke?
Would you like a WallStreet Journal to read,do you want to hear another joke?
Would you like a little affection?
I could rub your back.
Would you like a mild sedative,looks like you ’re gonna have an attack!
You know you can have anything you desire
You know you can have it,
well I ’m a seller,are you a buyer?
Would you like an address in Beverly?
Would you like to call it your home?
Would you sit around your swimming pool,with your goddamn cellular phone?
Would you like martini ’s for breakfast?
Caviar for Brunch?
Maybe have Elizabeth Taylor &Ronald Reagan for lunch!
You know you can have anything you desire
You know you can have it,
well I ’m a whore,are you a buyer?
Do you take cream in your coffee?
Would you like a light for your smoke?
Would you like a WallStreet Journal to read,do you want to hear a dirty joke?
Would you like a little affection?
I could rub your back.
Would you like a mild sedative,looks like you ’re gonna have an attack!
You know you can have anything you desire
You know you can have it,
well I ’m a whore,are you a buyer?
Rob Hubbard/Trajkblond
©2003 All Rights Reserved