Story Behind the Song
this song is about when you fall for some one, even tho you know youve got to move away from them in one week any way....and why it is all worth it any ways.......well enjoy it....this song was written in erics sitting on the ground.....them inside eating food....took us one day of recording...
times are waisting, dimes are spending, waisting dreams on broken endings, is charllote too far for my broken heart, endless nights and broken head lights, tossing feelings left and right, i curse the days that we have been apart, i hold my breath, swallow my pride, and break the feelings left inside, id give my self for one last kiss from you, you and i were meant to be alone again, your taking me, and i would like to be with you tonight, you and i werent meant to be together now, your breaking me, and i would like to hold you in my eyes, memories i cant forget, leaving you my worst regret, ive been away from you for seven days, dont tell me that you miss me too when i cant spend a day with out you, why must i feel this way? 3 hour drive so close so far to be with you wraped in my arms, id give my self for one last kiss from you