Story Behind the Song
Written to prove how easy it is to write a country song. During a debate with my ladyfriend at the time about the usefulness of country music, I set out to prove that I could write a viable country song in a matter of minutes. I called up longtime Badger collaborator Chris Jones (El Guapo) to see if he had any lyrics. He gave me a verse and a chorus over the phone and I wrote the main body of the song and recorded it within the hour. I intended to write a song that was simple and had no key changes, but somehow one slipped in. In conclusion we ended up with a song that is a bit better than your typical country ballad.
I told her she was cool, almost like one of the guys.
But with a pretty face, like a beautiful sunrise.
At times though she's overcast, a grey cloud hangs overhead.
Her dawn becomes foggy. Blue eyes misted instead.
She's lookin' for a rainbow, searchin' for that pot of gold. It's not so much getting older, she's just afraid of growing cold.
I sit and gaze upon her. Just pull myself apart at the seems. Must be stuck in this mode everyday now it seems. Oh, I try to connect with her, almost get there, almost. But she just pulls away, only lets me get so close.
Color of her eyes change with the mood she keeps deep inside. She doesn't know they're a window to see what she's tryin' to hide.
Now there's no more confusion and no more pain. The clouds have gone away. Her sun has risen again.