Story Behind the Song
The Song is Self explantitory, it's about those moments of introspection one getts some time in there travels
You know after you've been traveling for a while, all the rest stops start to look the same.
You're either home or thousands of miles away, for a moment everything moves just a little bit slower.
And it's always in the middle of the night, when these thought come creeping in, and it's always when tomorrow's coming a little bit early-er, that the road starts singing this song.
H How many tricks, can the night
O play on you.
U And how many roads, till the
R morning will find you
Snow from the heart-land throws a winter blanket down. That gives the night a sereine glow. Couples trudgeing by bundeled up and holding hands, just remind you you're alone.
They say you chose the roads you go down in this life, for some of us it's chosen already, the trouble is you're always traveling alone, and only your eye's see the road
Thru a smokey room I see you swaying like tall grass in a summer breeze, now would you feel as warm in my arms, as your voice feels in the air. You consume me like a fire, my hart is ablaze, you are the sirene of my freams. But I will never know the joy of watching time, disappear into your lovely eyes