Story Behind the Song
A friend and I moved to Scranton Pa. because we thought we could get something going up there. It turned out to be a total disaster and I wrote this song about how happy I was to be getting out of there and back into the real world.
So I'm stuck cleaning stables in this one horse town, the same old crap's just getting shoveled around.
I'm watching everybody run the same old race, and I'm the only one noticing it's going no place.
So I think I'll come up for a breath of fresh air, the only thing I'm doing here is going nowhere, I'm gonna pack up my gear and take this act on the road.
Now I can't blame nobody 'cause this didn't fly, I'd have my slef to blame if I didn't try, you can't ignore that this ain't working out thought. I think it's time that I pakced myself up and go.
You see the road's an old friend I ain't seen in a while. I think it's time I cover a few more miles, I'm gonna pack up my gear and take this act on the road .
yes I'm just gonna leave these days behind, there's a brighter fututre that I'm meant to find. well that road might be rocky and it might take a while , but in the end you will see this'll work out fine.
Now I hear the highway calling me again, it's time I covered some more ground my friend. I'm gonna pack up my gear and take this act on the road, yes I am , I'm gonna pack up my gear and take this act on the road