Story Behind the Song
This is what happens when you get inspired in the studio. We'd never practiced this song before we recorded it, and we haven't practiced it since, but we play it at EVERY show
These fragments of paper littering the ground
Each give a clue as to what this might means;
A blanket of confetti to cover up the innocent blood spilled on the earth
Paper Towel Paper Scraps
Soak up the liquid and hold it so that
The fumbling hands of the masses
Can regain what was taken from them.
On that Day
When you senselessly slaughtered our children,
We were there, watching from behind our glass doors
(when you raped away our innocence)
We felt that sting of sedation [sleep now, sleep now]
Lost in the clouds, dangling in space
We saw what you sought to erase [forget it all, forget it all]
Blood stains on hospital floors
Entire communities vaporized as an experiment [you’ll never save yourselves]
And this is how you attempt to compensate from what you’ve taken?
We don’t want your dirty money
We just want our lives back,
At least let us live again…
Too many people with too many new ideas
Sought out trivialize our humanity,
Now we start anew as product placement,
Our lives are your organic entertainment.
Now the loose dirt sits in piles in our graveyard,
Our corpses exhumed…so what does this mean? [judgment]
Each night, the stars in the sky laugh in mockery. [go to sleep]
At how we killed ourselves cleanly marketing our souls, [what does it mean?]
And though these pools of blood will eventually dry up,
The world will always scream out in silence… [sleep now]
Fallen Creation groans for your coming, Lord.
Save us from ourselves…