The body, a painting in abstract
Contorted hues, framed by steel and tubes
Reflection of youth and beauty
Smashed, splintered, nothing
Fragments, as words, meaningless
Remnants of flesh, pallid, forlorn
An object in this gallery
Of living corpses and surrogate breath
Begotten, the invalid
In wreckage, and broken glass adorned
Angles unkind, joylessly entwined
This palate of ruin that Celia becomes
The body, a study disfigured
She is God’s own art
Contusion of youth and beauty
Crushed, crippled, yielding
Motion, as time, intangible
The verdigris of subsequent decay
Suffusing the sickroom
The wheelchair, the needles, the hours, the days
Forgotten, the invalid
Pristine the canvas, the certainty, the stain
Flawless design, sorrowfully refined
The fragile art of Celia is done