Story Behind the Song
the song is a 4-verse description of the Native American spiritual path and its practices. I have a deep appreciation of these practices because they are so very real--they produce not ideas but experiences
By Kate Wolf
When the morning breaks and the sunlight warms my soul
In the East the Eagle flies and the Red-tail proudly soars
I’m on my way to the place of the spirit one
Grandfather hear me now I am on fire
Let the sundance guide my feet to your desire
Give me visions for my eyes and words like gold that shimmer in the sun
Hy-ah, hy-ah, hy-ah
When the sun goes down and it grows too dark to see
I look within to the shaman’s mysteries
I’m on my way to die and live again
Grandmother Earth I cry, give me rest
I take my place with the woman in the west
Show me the Raven and the Bear, the way of herbs and the black obsidian
Ay-yi, ay-yi, ay-yi
Turn towards the South like the water I will run
In innocence and trust the moonchild’s song is sung
I’m on my way to the place of the sacred plants
My emotions and my will at their command
Where the Turtle’s voice is heard upon the land
Where the wise Coyote prowls, the Rattlesnake will call me to the dance
Ay-yi, ay-yi, ay-yi
In the deepest night, the stars watch over me
Old woman of the North, my mind seeks clarity
I’m on my way to the place of the northern winds
Let the thunder and the lightning carry me
Lay my thoughts to rest and send me into sleep
With the Hawk and the Buffalo
My dreams white crystal magic medicine
Ay-yi, ay-yi, ay-yi
Ay-yi, ay-yi, ay-yi