Story Behind the Song
I wrote this song to contain every crappy part about working for corporate America. Anyone who works in an office can really relate to this.
Daily Grind
At 8 a.m., gridlocked in a traffic jam--
You'll never make the meeting at 9. (breathing)
9:10. You rush in--the meeting's been postponed again--
No one thought to tell you in time!
And every day, the same routine--
You take a hit of strong caffeine,
Underneath the office lights so bright they burn your eyes…
Your project is due.
There's 80 emails to go through--
And lists of people to call.
Voice mail, email, memo, fax--
No one helpful calls you back--
The stress starts to rip you apart...
And everyday, the same routine--
Earn your two weeks of leave…
And you’re staring at a screen as your best days pass you by...
Welcome to your Daily Grind.
From the day you start, you stay behind…
Working all the time, but you’re barely getting by--
Welcome to your day...your Daily Grind.
It's 12:02, your boss assigns you something new--
It's due before you can go! (breathing)
Skipping lunch, no time to stop.
Check your watch--
Watch the clock.
How will you get it all done?
And everyday, the same routine
Crazy deadlines and bureaucracy
Watch your back and count the years til you retire…
Ooh—And they tell you what to do!!!
Oh--They're not paying you to think...
Or for late nights every week...
If they could, they'd make you work for free...
At 3 o'clock, a client calls--her bill is wrong...
She screams til you take the blame...
Track your minutes, bill the time...
Focus on the bottom line...
For bigwigs who don't know your name...
And every day, the same routine—
Layoff rumors and restructuring—
All the raises get delayed, but the pink slips arrive on time…
Copyright Brian Hartzog