Story Behind the Song
I had this song title in my idea book for a while. The initial idea came to me one summer day while I was mowing the grass. I didn't decide to write the song until a songwriter friend of mine picked the title out of a list of ideas I showed him...I remember writing most of the song in about 4 hours the next Saturday afternoon.
Fast Girl in a Pretty Car
I was hangin’ outside a street café--
When she parked her car and headed my way…
She was lost; I knew where she needed to be--
Oh Yeah—She said, "Who needs a map--
You can ride with me...c'mon, c'mon, c'mon..."
So we roared through town with her foot to the floor--
Yeah, we ran three lights at 104--
She was pumpin' and shiftin', wearin' high heels.
She said, "Feel the leather trim…
Watch the RPMs...c'mon, c'mon, c'mon..."
She's a Fast Girl in a Pretty Car,
Pedal to the medal in a red Jaguar…
She blows by in a flash of light,
All dolled up for the Saturday night…
She's a Fast Girl in a Pretty Car,
Cruisin' 'round town like a movie star…
She sets the mood with the radio on...
Rollin' down the road and a-singin' along...singin' along...singin' along--
Yeah... She's a Fast Girl in a Pretty Car!
The engine was hummin'; her body was tight…
I said, "You need to slow down, take the second right..."
She hit the gas and said, “That's not what I need...”
Oh Yeah! Then she said to me:
“Hold onto your seat...c'mon, c'mon, c'mon..."
She never let me drive!
She never let me drive!
I asked about a dozen times!
She never let me drive--
I wanna drive--c'mon...c'mon...c'mon...
She pulled off the road at the edge of town (Yeah—let’s get it on!)
She said, “Ooh—I wanna let my top down” (Yeah—let’s get it on!)
She turned off the key, slid closer to me…
Oh Yeah…And all the lights were green,
If you know what I mean...c'mon, c'mon, c'mon..."
Copyright Brian Hartzog