This song is full of parables and word pictures, which beckon the listener into a spiritual journey of discovery. The word pictures seek to create a hunger in the listener for understanding... a “seek and you shall find” challenge.
The music echos this theme with the beautiful sounds of Irish flutes, guitar harmonics, percussion and mutiple overlapping vocal parts. The music has a gentle but strong beckoning pulse which is like the ticking of time. Time is always moving on, God is eternal, but we can find Him here and now if we listen, search and seek. He is never far from any of us.
Story Behind the Song
Strange as it may seem I wrote this song as if God were speaking or singing it to me. I was desperate to know His love in a more tangible way... and yet seemed so blind to the evidence all around me in everyday life. This is how Jesus’s parables, used in this song work; there is a sense of mystery in them as if God is found in surprising places, almost in disguise. The paradox is this: God is not hiding from us ... making Himself a mystery, yet we must seek Him in order to find.
When I sing it now, I sing it as if God were singing through me to others gently beckoning them. . “I’m a treasure buried in a poor man’s feild... I'm an island, you can anchor your boat here..."
The song was recorded many years later with a live band and overdubs. The many intricately woven parts, create texture which express the “mystery” of the parables.
I also tried to reflect the beauty and creativity of God in the music itself.
Like a pearl. Helen McCrimmon, 1992
Come near come close to me, come search for me like a pearl in the sea. Like a pearl in an oyster grows you’ll find myself in you when you find me. I’m a treasure buried in a poor man’s feild, I’m an island, you can anchor your boat here, I’m the light shining in the darkness, call and you will find me near.
Come near come close to me, come yeild your heart like a feather on the sea. As the sea turns a shell to sand, I will change your heart into a home for me. You’re a diamond buried in the earth’s hard sand, I can free you, hold to my command, I will lift you out of the darkness, keep you in the palm of my hand. You’re a beggar crying out to understand, you’re a lame man, come and take my hand, I will lift you into the sunshine, show you how to rise and stand.
I will do the fighting for you, I will watch you night and day, I will hold you in the tempest... stand fast and keep my way, stand fast and watch and pray. I will do the fighting for you, I will watch you night and day, I will hold you in the tempest, stand fast and keep my way (x3)
Come near come close to me, come search for me like a pearl in the a pearl in an oyster grows you’ll find myself in you when you find me, you find me, you find me.