When you come into the House of God, Come in Peace.
Meditate, Prepare for God. Come in Peace.
Make Peace, Learn Peace. Conflict carries a price.
Work for Peace, Earn Peace. A peaceful day, in a peaceful life.
When you worship in the House of God, Worship in Peace.
It’s easy here to feel close to God. Worship in Peace.
Leave Peace, Learn Peace. Help avoid a fight.
Work for Peace, Earn Peace. A peaceful day, in a peaceful life.
When you leave the House of God, Go in Peace.
Don’t leave Him inside, Go with God. Go in Peace.
Let Peace, Learn Peace. For the rest of your life.
Work for Peace, Earn Peace. A peaceful day, in a peaceful life.
When you work outside the House of God, Work for Peace.
Make the path by following God. Work for Peace.
Help Peace, Learn Peace. Peace through all of your life.
Work for Peace, Earn Peace. A peaceful day, in a peaceful life.
When you leave the House of God, Go in Peace.