Title - "Take It Back"
Even though it rained today, still seem to get by, cause all I do is think of them and it makes me wonder why.
Summer ended yesterday, soon it will come again, and the urge for me to leave this town finally kicks in.
My life's never clear... month, day, week, or even the year... how would I know I'd get through it all... I'm running bright red lights, stop me now before I might, lose control of all I've ever known
You took all I knew and you turned it into nothing
I said what I said and now I'm Ahead
Seasons seem to change, people's visions stay the same, when will I know I'll get through it all
Take a chance and rewind your misery
turn all those bad times into history
and know for a fact that one day you'll get to do it all
Take it back, Take it back what you said to me
Give it back, give it back what you took from me
Take it back, take it back rewind my misery
Give it back, give it back I'm in your history
Now it's a fact that I just killed the past of your insecurity but it started with nothing so how could this ever be somethin that I'd wanna be?