Slay the humanoide right now.
Suddenly seasons change into sound.
Pray to this image underground.
Flamboyant market hounds.
Sell it, bake it, move it,
Radioactive woman,
My companion.
Slay the humanoid.
Sell it for toys to girls and boys,
Who don't have the summer noise.
Slay the humanoid.
Sell it for toys to girls and boys,
Who don't have the summer noise.
Slay the humanoide right now.
Loudspeaker, Loud mouth.
People trancend doubt.
Said the fool, survive.
We are all alive.
Slay the humanoid.
Sell it for toys to girls and boys,
Who don't have the summer noise.
Slay the humanoid.
Sell it for toys to girls and boys,
Who don't have the summer noise.
Slay the humanoide right now.
Loudspeaker, Loud mouth.
People trancend doubt.
Said the fool, survive.
We are all alive.
Slay the humanoid.
Sell it for toys to girls and boys,
Who don't have the summer noise.
Slay the humanoid.
Sell it for toys to girls and boys,
Who don't have the summer noise.
Slay the humanoide right now.