There’s No Other way, When I saw No Way GOD Made away Daily, Love to our Most High King
When ya see No Way let ya Faith Lead the way, Jesus is the Key to set ya Mind Free Father Son Holy Spirit Trinity, Never could be a Taker Just a Waymaker,
He Don’t always come right when ya Call yall, But He’s on time everytime, Love is Never to Far Once you Realize the Spirit Just don’t Float threw the sky,
its here right now as you listenin to my rhyme, ready to untie your Bind,
Set ya Free from illusions set within Lifes reality, walk by Faith Not by what ya see
None of these Materials Items are comin with me, the eyes are Windows to the Soul so tell me what ya see
I see the Way Maker Yahweh everyday Defeatin the Taker Movin em out of our way, Focusing our Mind Site on that New Day, In Heaven where our Souls are No Longer Thirsty, If you know Love you know Jeesuus, Time is at hand Satan Could Never BE-US so as His children we stand on the frontline BE-UP
Don’t Judge cause I won’t budge, But step in the Name of Love, The Taker is to busy so busy he don’t sleep, Roaming threw the earth and going back and forth in it
How many souls is he winnin are ya Feet Planted, Is ya Mind Spinnin like a Planet, when yo Addiction Knock at the Door send Jesus to Answer it, You do ya Part
Our Father will Always do his On his Time, In His time you Truly Livin, feel the enemy
No Longer Burnin me, ya Flesh is No Longer Thirsty, But First you must walk threw the Fire, The Valley
So God Can take you Higher, Give ya Mind Wings to Truly Fly, and Understand his Illuminous Word, GOD Speaks every Language and Dwells In every place
Theres No Excape from His Infinite Love, Satan and His way No Way, but a Lie stay focused in ya Mind
I see the Way Maker Yahweh everyday Defeatin the Taker Movin’em out of our way, Focusing our Mind Site on that New Day, In Heaven where our Souls are No Longer Thirsty, If you know Love you know Jeesuus, Time is at hand Satan Could Never BE-US, so as His children we stand on the frontline BE-UP
Don’t Only Appreciate Positive in yo Negative time, either you gone ride or you gone hide and Miss everthing GOD Put inside, and resurface when every thing look alright,
Its Like being in a War, but never shootin a Bullet, even when Jesus said Pull it
Reach Higher even after he turned you over to yo desire, the Earth the Wind and the Fire
There’s Reasons that ya Here, ONE are you gone let Jesus Steer, TWO are you gone Listen to what ya Flesh Hear, You caint Judge QGODFEAR
When ya way will never be clear, He this,He’s That, but Most of all when I Glorify Jesus it’s Phat, Holy Rap like you never heard Can you Catch No Match I’m off the Latch
I see the Way Maker Yahweh everyday Defeatin the Taker Movin’em out of our way, Focusing our Mind Site on that New Day, In Heaven where our Souls are No Longer Thirsty, If you know Love you know Jeesuus, Time is at hand Satan Could Never BE-US so as His children we stand on the frontline BE-UP
There’s No Other way, when I saw NO way GOD made away…. Daily…..Love to our Most High King.. JESUS CHRIST
When ya see no way, let ya Faith Lead the way JESUS is the Key to set ya Mind Free,
Father, Son, Holy Spirit Trinity, Never could be a Taker, Just a WAYMAKER…….