Story Behind the Song
Ever had a day where you could just see the fog - but had a hard time seeing God through the fog? Your mind starts asking questions about why you even bother to follow Jesus, and satan throws in a few facts about how litle your really KNOW about God....And the questions start flowing - and your heart, filled with the Holy Spirit, says "Trust in the Lord with ALL YOUR HEART, and lean not on your own understanding." Don't try to understand Him! Just fall into His love...And make sure you trust the faithful and true God more than your trust your own mind!
(*NOTE: All Hebrew lyrics are followed by English, with the same meaning.)
Yesh derech ?
Is there a way ?
Yesh derech. Yesh emet. Yesh chaim.
There is a way. There is truth. There is life.
Btach el Adonai bechol libecha, ve'el binatecha al tisha'en.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. (x2)
chaim, emet, derech ... Yeshua!
life, turth, a way ... Jesus!
Yesh chaim. Yesh emet. Yesh derech.
There is life. There is truth. There is a way.
Yeshua hoo haderech, ha'emet, vehachaim.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.