Story Behind the Song
This is a song of advocacy, a skill every parent must learn at some point. Having a child with this condition has wreaked consternation, panic, frustration and reflection on my household. It has also opened my eyes to the inflexibility and intolerance that is out there in our educational institutions. (I guess I haven't listened to Pink Floyd in a while..) With relatively small adjustments in the way we prepare our young people for life in this world, ADD kids would have a much higher "success rate." Indeed their energy, (often) above average intellect, and their ability to "hyper-focus" on problems often make them invaluable for many types of careers. How can our schools, institutions, families, and societies bring out their skills for everyone's benefit?
Okay so much for the impassioned lecture; about the song... I came up with that riff using the GMaj descending down the scale because it sounded kind of happy, and I thought the heavy content of the song (though not without its humor) would benefit from the major key.
Aside from all that, the experience has also brought me a peculiar kind of joy; partly in seeing a child work to overcome difficulties and try to be better understood, and learning so much myself in the process. Strangely perhaps, it gives me some comfort to see that so much of who and what we are and can be is still a mystery.
I hope the song reflects some of that joy as well as the anger, and I hope you like it.
1. He sits in the classroom looking unconcerned and bored
The paper's not half finished; and he's starin' at the door
And the teacher knows he knows all the answers, and says "Can't you pay attention?"
He looks up with a blank stare, thoughts racin' in his mind
"There's a spider in Maria's hair, that's why I fell behind..."
And he makes a face, Maria screams, and he gets a laugh -- then he gets detention
The report card wasn't pretty, it said what you'd expect
He's bright but he's lazy, seems to be some disconnect
We can't leave him to work alone; such a clever boy but prone to distraction
Perhaps a bit more discipline at home would be advised
If you hope your son's potential will ever be realized
We trust you'll appreciate the need to take necessary action
He hides his cries in those dark eyes, and that soft unapologetic stare
Watch out my darlin' boy -- they gonna look at you and think you don't care
2. Well you've never had a kid if all this doesn't light a fuse
From the day he stumbles in this world you're walkin' in his shoes
There's times though when it's hard to know whether you should blame or defend him
I suppose he might work harder if we chained him to his chair
We could lock him in the bathroom, and move his desk in there
Or we could take his uncle Chuck's advice, and find some boot camp boarding school to send him
Yes his concentration lapses, but that's not true in a way
If he were chasin' monarch butterflies, he'd be doing it all day
And if you take away a book he loves, he'll hunt you down and hug you till you're senseless
But he forgets to pack his homework, he forgets to write things down
Tries to make it all okay by playin' the class clown
And they tell him he's so smart, but it all makes him feel so dumb till he's defenseless
You hide your cries in those dark eyes, in that silly unguilty grin
Well if school is just a game for you, first thing you need to learn is how to win
3. Sally's good at science, Billy likes guitars
Ignite the gem inside them and they'll shine like burning stars
And the beauty of those kids is in the strengths and in the differences God gave them
But you panic when they struggle, you think of all your own mistakes
How many disappointments can you take till your heart breaks
And you realize all you really want is to try and understand, not to save them
You can learn to write an essay, you can learn to pass exams
But can you chase a dragonfly till you hold it in your hands
So many ways to learn, so many ways your brain can turn; school is just one
But it's a funny world we've made, there's no denying this
You gotta get the grade if you want society's kiss
So get your books my loving boy, let's you and me see how much we can get done
You hide your cries in those dark eyes, in your impulsive "hyperactive" joy
You do your learning everywhere, like any normal extraordinary boy
Just a normal, extraordinary boy...
c) Paul Meredith, 2002