Story Behind the Song
First I only trained my "mastering"-abilities but than this song rised from the bottom of my mind. I started in the morning and finished at night...
The worst thing was the record of the lyrics cause I have a small cold and on the end of every line the cough tried to kill me...
I see people signed by sorrow and pain
They come closer, I´m stricken with fear
In their eyes, the hate from eons of torture
A Dreadful view which can't be described
I start to run, they start to hunt
I'm getting faster, I try to escape
please God give me shelter
I have to run, to run, run, run
My legs are heavy, my loungs are aching
They getting closer, I have to hide
Where is the hideout, my haven, my hope?
I can't stop running, I have to go on
I hear their screaming, they aren't far away
Soon they catch, and what happens than?
First the torture than sure the dead
I know it's hopeless but I never give up
My strenght is wasted, I'm getting slower
The foes approachin, my time is reached
I take a deep brath and clench my fists
I'll defend my life as hard as I can
I'm getting weaker and weaker, I can't nearly stay
I want to sleep, I'm tired, I'm down
I see my Hands, I'm aging, I'm aging, aging, aging, aging...