Story Behind the Song
On September 11, 2001, a group of terrorists attacked America. In the last several months, Americans have shown the world that we are, indeed, a strong and united country, and that we will not tolerate terrorism, and will fight to preserve peace and freedom throughout the world.
This senseless tragedy, however, has brought out the best in all of us. Heroic acts from firefighters, law enforcement, doctors and even Americans, in general, who have either donated money for the victims and their families, or have displayed the American flag on their cars or in their homes.
After the events of September 11th, I felt compelled to write this song. Although it was necessary for the U.S. to take military action against this terrorist organization, the idea of a "Magic Potion" spreading peace and love throughout the world, seemed appealing to me. Of course, "Magic Potion" is purely symbolic for achieving peace through peaceful means. Unfortunately, when dealing with terrorists, military action seemed to be the only solution.
I would like to dedicate this song to the victims of 9-11 and to their families who have endured unbearable pain. And a special dedication to my 8 year old daughter, Briana, with the hopes that the world will someday be rid of terrorism, and will be a safer more peaceful place to live.
--Brian Barham
"Magic Potion"
Music & Lyrics by Brian Barham
In the land of corruption,
With their plans of destruction.
It's all just a delusion,
And they've gone too far.
We need a quick solution,
To stop whoever they are.
The mighty U.S.A.
Will fight to save the day.
Osama bin Laden and the Taliban,
And terrorists all over the world.
The world stands united to end your regime,
You can't destroy freedom - the American dream.
We need a magic potion,
That sends out love and all its emotion.
To cause their evil to fail,
So peace on earth can prevail.
There's no justification,
In what they've done to our nation.
Their way of thinking is clouded,
With their holy war.
There's nothing holy about it,
The evil they have in store.
Their bio-chemical warfare,
Is more than we can all bear.
Osama bin Laden and the Taliban,
And terrorists all over the world.
The world stands united to end your regime,
You can't destroy freedom - the American dream.
We need a magic potion,
That sends out love an all its emotion.
To cause their evil to fail,
So peace on earth can prevail.
Osama bin Laden and the Taliban,
And terrorists all over the world.
The world stands united to end your regime,
You can't destroy freedom - the American dream.
We need a magic potion,
That sends out love an all its emotion.
To cause their evil to fail,
So peace on earth can prevail.
I wish there was such a potion,
That sends out love and all its emotion.
To cause their evil to fail,
So peace on earth can prevail.
(News Report from Sept. 11th)
Our magic potion
Send love and emotion
Their evil must fail,
Then peace will prevail.
With a magic
Potion they'll find.
Love and peace,
For all mankind