Story Behind the Song
My friend Nancy's beautiful dog Chinook needed to be put to sleep. I imagined that if there was a dog heaven, that Chinook might take the time to tell Nancy what he was doing up there....
This live recording took place at the River Theatre in Astoria, Oregon, July 2001. It has a full intro, the song, and then a minute of bantering with the audience.
Dear Nancy, me and Rin-tin-tin have become great pals
We breakfast on mammoth bones and terrorize Chihuahuas
The humans who throw Frisbees never need to rest
There are endless trees to pee on, this place is the best
Love, Chinook
Dear Nancy, you won’t believe today I caught a car
Sank my teeth into the bumper, dragged it back to my backyard
Dug a hole two miles deep and buried the whole thing
It makes me drool to think that soon I’ll hear the postman ring
Love, Chinook
Dear Nancy, here’s a list of all the things I miss
Howling while you sing and, of course, the way you kiss
Pretending not to hear you call, my grand piano lair
Oh, but Nancy, I don’t miss the scary basement stairs
Love, Chinook
Do you remember how sometimes in my sleep
I’d kick my legs while I dreamed of catching sheep
Up here in dog heaven when I curl up for a nap
I sleep serene and dream my head is in your lap
Dear Nancy, I watch you play with your new pups
I hear you on the telephone, I see you glancing up
I’m as close as the wind that licks away your tears
This is more than puppy love, I’ll always be near
Love, Love, Love Chinook