Story Behind the Song
Color was actually an experience buzzing in my mind throughout my life. Every time I went for an interview, or met with someone whom I wanted to help me out, I could feel the person’s eyes peering through me. They would look at me up and down as if they were trying to figure by my appearance and demeanor what I was all about. That is mostly impossible! However, these people always judged me by my appearance. I hated this and therefore I eventually wrote this song in response to this situation. I wrote this song in the same way as I did With You. I came up with the music track first and then I used the track to create the lyrics which were always rattling around in my brain.. Some people think that I might be talking about race in this song, but I use the word Color to mean your appearance, religion and/or your state of class in addition to race.
It might be written all over your face…and
To some, that can be a disgrace
Hey don’t you know
They don’t like your Color
It could stop you from getting a job
Unless you’re a member of a credit card
Hey don’t you know
They don’t feel the shame
What can you see under my Color
I’d like to know.. you got to tell me..I bet you got no answer yeah..
We must give love to one another…and
Make this world be Free
You could be wearing a three-piece suit…and
To some, they will persecute
Cause dont you know
They don’t like your Color
You feel your dead before you even start
And your whole world just falls apart
Cause don’t you know
They don’t feel the shame
What can you see under my Color
I’d like to know.. you got to tell me..I bet you got no answer yeah..
We must give love to one another…and
Make this world be Free
Stereotypes ignite, now this ain’t right, just look at yourself and see who you wanna fight
Mother never taught us to hate the next man, she gave us morals and values to help us understand
But the prejudice right comes back from the left, blind dumb and deaf what really killed Usef
Jamaican, Caucasian, Chinese and Puerto Rican, Italians the Jews Japanese and Korean
We’re all the same when the city unfolds, I’m surrounded by eight pretty fruits in a fruit bowl
Who’s the blame for the racially insane, when attention is blamed on your race and your last name
We’re all Gods children no matter what skin tone, then if your not my brother than cast the first stone
The knowledge of self of love one another, to erase the hate in your to make you love one Color
What can you see under my Color
I’d like to know.. you got to tell me..I bet you got no answer yeah..
We must give love to one another…and
Make this world be Free