Story Behind the Song
we've been together such a long time
you've both been closer to me
than any friend of mine
you were there for my first kiss
there's nothing in my life
that you've ever missed
though times are low you may be down
I'll always have you around
though seldom seen by other eyes
because you live between my thighs
I'm talking bout my saggy balls yeah
this is the song to tell their story
oh my saggy balls
you'll never know what you mean to me yeah
we've been together through thick and thin
like the time you got tied in a knot
during gym
though you sag down halfway to my knees
I'd never trade you for a pair of jugglies
oh I remember the time
when you were touched for the first time
by the gentle rubber gloves
of Dr. Showzenheim
he said
you've got saggy balls
come on in nurse you gotta see these honey
she said
you've got saggy balls
your kids might turn out kinda funny
I've got saggy balls
saggin' down halfway to my knees yeah
oh my saggy balls
bouncin' round more than a midget on a trampoline
bouncin' round more than a midget on a trampoline
you're big, round, wrinkly,
and kinda hairy
I just don't know why little kids
think you're so scary
against my balls I have no malice
if only they didn't flap around so much
that I got that darn callous
oh I'll never forget the day
when I gave you your names
now your forever my friends
eduardo and ferdinard
they're my saggy balls
swingin' round wherever they damn please yeah
oh my saggy balls
bouncin' round more than a midget on a trampoline
balls I love my balls yes I love my balls I love my balls my balls my balls do you love your balls yes you love your balls you all gotta love your balls baaaaallllssss
to the bridge
well one day back in high school
me and my saggy balls went on a field trip to the national institute of technology out in arizona
and while we gazing at the giant phallic monstrosity capable of massive worldwide destruction
there was a tremendous ROOOOAAARR and the earth and ground were ripped apart beneath our feet
and out came a legion of midgets
all decked out in army gear
apparently part of a secret world wide organization of midgets bent on world domination
so I looked at the national institute director
and he looked at me and said
'son, if I can just get to the deactivation switch on the other side of this gigantic chasm I can stop this son of a biznatch from firing'
so I looked at him and said 'sir, I think I can help you'
so I dropped trow right there in the middle of a legion of swarming midgets, pulled out my saggy balls and said 'here, you can grab onto these and swing to the other side'
and he did..
so that my friends is how my saggy balls saved the world from nuclear annhilation and domination by midgets.
no problem.
you can thank them later..
we'll be out back signing autographs.
I've got saggy balls
swingin' round wherever they damn please yeah
oh my saggy balls
bouncin' round more than a midget on a trampoline
I've got saggy balls
you've got saggy balls
we've got saggy balls
she's got saggy balls
(background: balls, balls, balls, balls, etc...)
Under the Revolution of the Saggy Balls!
Brothers and Sisters, do we not each have a pair of Saggy Balls of our own?
Whether it be this girl's gapped teeth or that dude's funky shaped head.. so what I'm trying to say is.. you've got to learn to love your saggy balls, be kind to eachother's saggy balls, dip your saggy balls in chocolate sauce cuz mmm damn it feels goodumm.. learn to love eachother's saggy balls, be kind to your saggy balls and show them off to all of your friends. unless your personal saggy balls is like 300 pounds of cellulite butt cleavage cuzz damn we just don't wanna see that
I love my saggy balls.