Story Behind the Song
This Tastes Like Burning classic is classical and full of classic tasting stuff like... stuff.
Walkin' down the street. Laughin' all histerical. Passersby are yellin' shoulder shruggin' happy. Warthogs on sedation. Base-communication with a ball-bat swingin' life hits you in the eye.
"I was a storm, I was 60-ft tall, 'till the day of the game when the ball was ablaze like a piece of the sun," they yelled. So he ran and he cried, "what's the right thing to do?"
"Never come around here again," I can still here them say, "If you do we'll punch you in the face. Right in your falcon face!"
There was a time to be mystified by everything we saw. We were young and impressionable, and gullible too. There was a list of things that he hoped that he could see with his own eyes to justify this "being alive".
Bullies busting casts, confiscating glasses, while the mothers are a'calling, regulating rebate. Paid with ice cream money; Nickels, dimes and quarters for the brand new bruises ordered. Kissing shins and ankles.
Games can be fun and then games can get dangerous. Safety never rode the back of the bus with the cigarettes, gum, and the boy with the bruise on his face. What's the right thing to do?
"If you come around here again, we'll punch you in your face. Never come around here again, we'll punch you in the face. Never come around here again, we'll punch you in the face. Never come around here again, we'll punch you in the face," I can hear them say.