Story Behind the Song
This was a rebuild of an old project that I had scrapped. UNfortunately, the core track was the bell sound and the drum track. The strings, cello and vox were added in the ressurection.
If this is dream, never wake me.
If this is heaven, then I want no life.
Is this illusion, don't make it real,
Take me back to endless night.
I dream of summer trees, moonlight and the ocean breeze,
and in the sactuary, fell down to my knees,
I prayed to God above, and hosts of angels pledging love,
and eveything above that brought me to my knees.
If this is ocean, let me drown.
If this is darkness then I want no sun,
If this is flight, let there be no ground.
If this is walking, then I'll never run.
If this is evil, don't redeem me.
If this is starting, let there be no end.
If this is lust, there's no need for true love.
If I'm rigid, then I'll never bend.