Story Behind the Song
If you've read the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman you may well recognise the situation the subject of this song is in. If you haven't read these books then do so - they're literary masterpieces.
I can't describe it,
The time I have with you.
Like parting fingers,
The sands slipping through.
To feel the moment is,
To touch it's paper wings.
And I can't change the winds,
But I'd do anything,
To stay here with you.
The parting moment,
A clumsy tearful kiss,
A thousand goodbyes,
Could not prepare for this,
And then it's over,
Framed in my memory.
And I can't change the winds,
But I'd do anything,
To stay here with you.
But I wouldn't take back a thing,
But I'd do anything,
To stay here with you.
Or be anywhere with you.
I used to hide from all around me,
I used to keep the world outside.
I never knew I had a purpose,
But you shone for me, my guiding light.
An hour close to dusk,
When our worlds almost touch.
Am I dreaming or hearing,
Your stories close at hand?
There's never enough time for me,
In the warm midsummer's breeze.
I can feel you around me,
Telling me "Be strong.".
I'm building my Heaven,
For when we are together.
And I feel you around me,
And I fade away with you.