Story Behind the Song
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See lyrics for written visualisation.
Visualisation (Complete)
The Journey Through
Sit or lie in a comfortable, quiet place. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. We are now entering into a world of imagination, where thoughts are real and symbols are richly treasured. Behind your eyes, all is dark. Now, imagine that we are riding face down on etheric surfboards through a small dim cave but ahead there is a light, growing larger and stronger and brighter.
Slowly paddling up stream we go through a shimmering waterfall and out into the open. All around us the golden pre-dawn light filters down through the trees that reach up above us and seem to be touching the limitless sky. We are in our dream bodies now, paddling up stream along the mighty river of Life that sustains our outer form. We have come here in search of our greatest truth. This is our journey and as we paddle we know this forest is our dreams. We are in control here and we must discover and learn all we can about this new and wonderful inner world.
This crystal river flows from the distant mountains and pours down to feed the sea of our physical being. Now, as we continue to breathe evenly in and out, we paddle forward with equally effortless strokes. We notice that our etheric surfboard is opaque and crystalline. Looking more closely we see it has seven different coloured spinning flowers in an evenly spaced line up the middle. All around along the river bank tall trees tower overhead. Thick and twisted vines hang down from the canopy, dangling in the water. As we paddle we notice golden flashes of light streaking through the water below the board, carried by the flow. These are glowing crystals of pure inspiration on their way down and out.
The forest is rich and green and the dreams grow bright and strong. But we seek greater wealth than dreams alone. We are journeying beyond, to the source of our being. However, before we can enter that sacred inner realm we must first climb to the peaks of the mountain ridge ahead and then pass through a doorway of light. For now, even as we watch, the forest is beginning to thin out around us as we paddle up into the foothills. Below the board we can now see a school of beautiful glowing rainbow trout swimming effortlessly with us up the stream. We wish we could swim as easily as they do and with that thought the board dissolves and we dive down into the water with them.
But now we must swim harder, for the river grows steeper and flows faster. There are many rapids but we are supported by the school, jumping higher. Looking back across the forest the golden sun is rising, flickering laser rainbows across the water. From here we can see that the cave we had been in is by the ocean and the forest is on the coast! Higher and higher we swim, leaving the lower coastal plains behind us. Up and across rapids, waterfalls and through majestic gorges, we swim this mighty river. We have come so high that the on shore winds blow stronger. From level to level, we zig and zag our way, up through a complex series of staging pools. These pools become clearer and clearer the higher we swim.
Having reached the peaks, we find that we are in the top pool at the source of the river and our consciousness desires to spawn. We lift ourselves out of the water and before us we can see a shining doorway with light streaming forth from it. Sparkles fly out and land in the pool behind us. This doorway is at the very top of the mountain ridge and provides a gateway into the sacred inner realm. The door opens now before us and glows brilliantly as we walk towards it, stepping through.
It is like stepping off a clifftop into a new dimension. Our body is lighter here though and we fall, almost weightless, sliding gently down what appears at first to be a giant fun-slide. It is the inside surface of the immense sacred sphere. As we fall, we see that our bodies are glowing now too, reflecting the light that fills the entire chamber. We begin to notice as we fall, that rising up from the center of this radiant inner realm, is what appears to be another even larger mountain. It is an enormous volcano that bubbles and brims with pure life and love essences. Mists of golden radiance hang about the summit in swirling clouds. We come to rest at the base of this glowing inner mountain and quickly catch our breath.
Standing up, we dust off the tiny sparkles that seem to cover everything and look into the sky to see where they are coming from. The entire sky is aglow with them. Out of the brightest spot in the sky there now comes flat golden crystal blocks as well, slowly falling on threads of golden light. The first one lands softly at our feet and the others are arranged away from us leading up the mountain. They form a narrow pathway of golden stepping stones.
As the stones continue to fall in front of us, we move forward step by step, drawn towards the powerful glow at the top of the mountain. It is an easy walk at first, and as we walk we watch the brilliant streams of light that shoot out of the mountain top and shimmer overhead, hitting the inner wall above, and falling in a rain of sparkles. And still as we climb, the landscape around us begins to glow and the pathway becomes lighter and brighter. Golden nuggets the size of boulders lie beside the path that now winds its way up steeper ground toward the summit. But surprisingly, we can actually move more easily the higher we climb and so we begin to jog, faster. We can feel the refreshing light coming from the top and we realise that this is the source of our life stream and energy. So, faster we move.
Now we reach the top and climb over the golden rocks that lie around the edge of the molten lake of love at the summit. This is a pool of radiant crystal consciousness, bubbling up from the one life seeking expression in the outer world. Finally, our journey is rewarded and we run to the edge of the lake and dive ecstatically down through the all encompassing bliss, like a candle into the sun. We have graveled far and now we are immersed in our own radiant self, filled full of the joy of being.