Story Behind the Song
This is on the first CD we did after acquiring a 16-track less than a month before. All the songs were written, recorded, and released around January. It's a bit sloppy as it is the first record and we were still discovering what we were doing with the recording process.
20 Says
Simple is as simple does. Consider me this simpleton,
Drowning in the waves of your difficulty.
Screaming out and screaming from
A place you never thought to look.
At this first glance, I’m here, I’m gone.
Maybe I’m just scared of going under,
And maybe I’m afraid to hold on…
But how did you learn to be so bold?
When did your breath become so cold?
Why did you still sell yourself sold?
I spit these words that fly too fast,
And crash at the lump in my throat.
Some broken teeth and no lips breached,
But I’m still here.
So please hold still my shaking hands,
And let me have that puzzled look.
It’s like a bullet in the chest.
Maybe if I’m lucky my ribs will hold it back,
20 says it goes right through, (and out the other side).
But who were you aiming for this time?
When did your path cross that of mine?
Not all can justify their crimes.
Why can’t I forget your every word?
Why can’t I think; why can’t I sleep?
Why can’t I leave this mess as is?
Why can’t I learn; why can’t I speak?
Simple is as simple does. Consider me simple enough,
To creep inside your head and move some things around.
Them I’m free, then I wake up.
Give the tests I’m making up.
But knowing me I’ll get them wrong.
I’m sure it’s not a problem that needs solving,
But a question of uncertainty…
Can you see me drink this poisoned glass?
Can you see me down here fading fast?
Will you make sure that this time’s my last?