had hoped it was love, but i guess it was sex,
how she loved me still has me vexed
Kenny Rogers always knew when to fold his hand
but I'm a four time loser, you shouldn't love that kind of man
if things did turn around- which woulda been disarming-
we'da still been doomed, cuz i aint no prince charming
it wasn't s'posed to be this way -just wish she'd hold my hand
but I'm a four time loser, you shouldn't love that kind of man
WHO NEEDS LOVE, when you've got rock n roll -yeah
turn it up, and numb your worthless soul- well
I need love, like i need air to breathe -but
I'm a dud, so I just spin CDs yeah
forget it Rod, don't you wanna be loved
you seem happy to sweep your woes under the rug
If I got a rug, maybe that'd give me the balls
to pick up the phone and give her a call
i wish i wasn't a coward, i wish i had class
i wish i wasn't home just pickin my ass
i'm so confused, i just wish she'd hold my hand
but I'm a four time loser, you shouldn't love that kind of man
WHO NEEDS LOVE, when you've got rock n roll -yeah
turn it up, and numb your worthless soul- well
I need love, like i need air to breathe -but
I'm a dud, so I just spin CDs yeah
had hoped it was love, but i guess it was sex,
how she loved me still has me vexed
Kenny Rogers always knew when to fold his hand
but I'm a four time loser, you shouldn't love that kind of man
WHO NEEDS LOVE, when you've got rock n roll -yeah
turn it up, and numb your worthless soul- well
I need love, like i need air to breathe -but
I'm a dud, so I just spin CDs yeah