Story Behind the Song
We(Daniel & Anders) sat down thinkin about what kind of genre our next song should be and the name Scooter came up.
So we sat down and tried to make a Scooter-Style song, itīs up to you to decide if it is a Scooter-style song.
Well, the music, as with all dance music, took about 20 minutes to make, but the mastering took about 2h.
Then we recorded the voice tracks, added some echo and it was all done.
Bumble bee...
Some beatles lyrics(Beatles is THE greatest band ever to have played on this earth).
1,2,3,4 - We are bumbles thats for sure
5,6,7,8 - Better not stay up late
9,10,11, twave - Come on everybody rave
13,14,15,16 - The Moose is mean, mean, mean!