Story Behind the Song
Saw an old crush for the first time in years.
Turned into a new crush.
Drank a bit, watched her dancing to a techno version of "If I was a rich man".
Take these lizard scales offa my eyes
I ain't looking, ain't looking for another disguise
Just looking for my green-eyed jewel
I wanna be her man, don't wanna be her tool
Ain't looking for an easy lay
I ain't looking to be lonely for the rest of my days
Crossed that bridge, she paid the toll
already stole my heart, maybe she can save my soul
Well she got wit and she got grace
got "can of mace" written on her face
she got something I can't place
I try to get her, but I get a taste
She's holding up a red road sign
I try to follow, but I'm left behind...
'Cause she's stepping; yeah she's stepping there
Her hips are shaking; her arms are racing, snaking, shaping through the air
with her curvy legs and her emerald eyes
with her mousy hair and her milky side
she always took me by surprise, with her Mona Lisa smile.
She's always been a light in my eyes
Got me flying beneath the pale New England skies
She's a pearl in a pale purple dress
Dark green tonails represent a little excess
Ain't looking for something to say
I'm just looking for a stage where I can sing her praise
Skipping down the sidewalk with me
Her face gets sweaty and she brushes away a flea
from the corner of her nose,
to the region of her toes,
she hunts for something she don't know
cuts her love, so it doesn't grow
she's a stealing on the sly
she makes me warm and she makes me shy...
'Cause she's stepping.