Story Behind the Song
This song was written in the Winter of 2003 and was about a job I just could not stand. I accepted a position in a "Call Center" where you're on the phone all day and after a while, it can really get on your nerves. I thought I would never get outta that crappy job and that I'd be stuck there forever. Well the good news is I'm not there anymore (Thank God), but if one good thing came out of it, it would definatly be this song!
(1st verse)
I never knew when I made my decision,
that I'd be caught in a web of deceit.
If I had known, it would've been so different,
but instead I am trapped in my defeat.
What in the world was I thinking? What has come over me?
What can I do to escape this insanity?
Round and round and round I go, where I stop nobody knows.
Fate it has a way with me, inevitably.
(2nd verse)
I can't believe that I made this commitment,
that I've engaged myself completely.
There's no way out, I am stuck, I'm perminent.
Who would do this to themselves deliberatly? *
(3rd verse)
I only wish I could change my decision,
I would reject the opportunity.
I'd turn my back, I would attack the difference,
and in the end, I would set myself free. *
Words & music by Troy Donoughue