Story Behind the Song
I wrote this song about an ex-girlfriend of mine and I will keep her name anonymous. When we first met, I truly believed that she was the one for me, well, she wasn't. However, during that short term relationship we shared, I began to write lyrics to this song and I hadn't written the music until sometime after we went our seperate ways. To this day I don't think about that ex-girlfriend of mine when I hear this song, I think of the fact that love is a positive thing and it's something we all should endure sometime in our lives.
NOTE:This is the 2nd version of this song, the original was recorded in 1993 and is on my first CD, "Raw Tracks".
(1st Verse)
I knew the day she walked in my life,
things would go right.
I knew from the start, she would capture my heart.
I could feel a shake inside of me,
everytime she stood beside me,
I knew that we could never part.
(2nd Verse)
Deep down inside I felt a sensation
in certain situations,
when she began to kiss me, I began to freeze.
I felt so cold but yet so warm,
like the sun shining through a storm,
feeling the heat she gives to me.
Because together we will be forever by each others side,
and forever we will be the love of our lives.
Yes together, forever and ever, she'll be by my side,
and forever she will be the love of my life.
(3rd Verse)
There's no one else in the world for me,
she's all that I need,
she makes me feel right, holding me tight.
It's her and me 'till the end of time,
forever 'till the sun won't shine,
for she's the love of my life.
Words and music by Troy Donoughue