(Thank You For the Rain)
(Thunder and rain intro)
I may never paint a portrait, or see fifth avenue,
Lie upon a sandy beach, warm beneath the moon.
I may never climb Mt. Everest, nor sail on emerald seas,
But You have walked with me this far, and that’s good enough for me,
Good enough for me.
I may never play Carnegie Hall, fly a plane above the clouds,
See the things that Renoir saw, but I will sing it right out loud-
Your kind of love is needed, in a world so torn with pain.
My own life had been a desert, Lord, so I thank you for the rain,
For the rain.
Thank You, Lord, for the rain that falls.
Falls like manna from the sky.
And the Love You sent, so that I might live-Love, manifest in Jesus Christ.
I asked for wisdom, and the rains came.
Then I asked for strength, and there you stood.
I know, now, that whatever form the rain takes,
You’ll work it all together for my good.
I haven’t been to see the whole world, yet,
But I have been to feel the rain, on a poor excuse for life.
I know you can make a garden grow, where nothing could survive,
Nothing could survive.
CHORUS: “Thank You, Lord, for the rain that....”
TAG: (Thunder/rain)/ Love, Love, Love, Love, His love/ (rain out)