There is a force of evil, hell-bent on my upheaval
Stocks the shadows on my heels, unseen, but not unreal
It tries to claim my fate is to lay the blame and hate is
The only way, but it’s not too late for a change of pace
The choices that we make today as individuals
Affect not only our futures
But also those of countless others that may not have been devolved
Silence, an eerie calm marks the dawn
Violence, the claws of darkness withdrawn
Desolate, landscape scarred and etched by greed and desire
Desperate, a people under grips that conspire
Skyline, prison walls of steel and glass
Sidelined, by divisions of class
Denied, the truth, deceiving states mind
Defied, an empire born of blood will fall in time
We can resist the destruction of ourselves
Accelerate, proliferate, dominate, indoctrinate
A sycophant devotion, a death march set in motion
Forked tongued lies erosion
A world left dead and frozen
Failed illumination, lash out with accusations
Create the situation to enslave a nation
Hate and fear are tools used to harvest fools
Discarded and forgotten, all vibrant souls left rotten
Dismembered and consumed, sacrificial rights communed
Consecrated by the beast, awaken Leviathan from it’s sleep
The very freedoms we defend are a demon salivating for our end
Humanities’ untapped potential is boundless
But the conditions of the socialization of the individual mind are a cage
Break your fuckin’ cage