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    "Robots Are Fun"genre: General Children's Music
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    A Song about getting lost in the woods and how generally most kids have robots that are glorified Swiss Army Knives. Yeah I know its wierd but you should hear how wierd this song is. there are robot BGV's!
    Credits: All Music & Lyrics by Micah Ortega

    Story Behind the Song
    I was thinking about how kids around the ages of 9 don't really have music to call their own and consequentially they gravitate towards the stuff that's on the radio which i think is just not really geared toward the kid mind....the kid mind being creative and not really fitting into any box. So I wanted to make a wacky song that just didn't follow the rules of reality and so, in this song I blessed every little kid with a robot. This is just one of the many kids with robot story. I wrote it in an hour or so and recorded it in about 2-3 hours. It was origonally written for my nephews but they haven't heard it yet and a friend of mine played it for his little cousins and they flipped out on it. That caused me to see if anybody else would like to hear it. Enter


    when your walking through the forest
    and you don't know where you've been
    and the sky is getting darker
    and the trees start closing in
    and the temperature starts dropping now
    your breath shows in the cold
    little kids should be home long ago
    with their parents like they were told.....

    but then you remember that.....
    I have a robot
    robots are fun
    (yes they are)
    we'll start a camp fire brighter than the sun
    (yes we will)
    we'll use his sawblades for hands to cut down wood
    (yes we will)
    Cause staying warm in the cold is very good
    (yes it is)

    Well eat some pancakes and then some eggs
    (yes we will)
    and then we'll gnaw on some big ol' turkey legs
    (yum yum yum)
    and then well clean up, pack up our trash
    (dirty trash)
    and will be out of the mountains in a flash

    So it is morning
    and you've slept on through the night
    breakfast sounds good
    flapjacks and eggs would be alright
    but the fire has gone
    and burnt itself away
    you should go now
    but it sure would be nice to stay
    so sadly you start to packing

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