Story Behind the Song
Completed Aug. 13th, 2002, in Linux using Audacity 1.2.0-pre1 and SoundTracker 0.6.7-pre6.
I laid out the drum track first, in sections, then recorded the guitar riffs. I doubled the guitar lines once I had it going the way I wanted, and separated each into each channel. After that, came the bass line, which was done on my guitar as well. I recorded the vocals last. I used a BOSS MT-2 Metal Zone pedal for the guitar and vocal augmentations.
The microphone used was a Realistic 33-1073A, and it sorta sucks.
The guitar was my Jackson/Charvel Model 4. Using the humbucker, with the active electronics turned on. For the clean parts, the neck single-coil pickup was used.
You take my hand, I'll walk with you
If I fall down, you'll pick me up
Set me on my feet again
The path was dark, you showed the way
You called me home, when I was lost
When no one was, you always were
You stand by me, I follow you
You are my hope, my life is yours
Opened my eyes, I see again