The children speak, the children fail.
Our parents died, they'll rest here well.
Been hearing voices, it's the corn.
Father Isaac you're our lord.
Sweet virgins still refuse.
Bible verses...unamused.
My father, genocide.
My savior, Malachi, Malachi, Malachi.
Face of anger, face this flood.
A vow of silence, hatred is good.
The impurest mother scorned.
Like fire Judas is born.
Sweet virgins still refuse.
Bible verses...unamused.
My father, genocide.
My savior, Malachi, Malachi, Malachi.
Once the children have spoken, the others go silent. Religious books and crosses have supported such violence. The time has come to change this and turn over our crosses. Blessed be the child who recognized his losses.
The children speak, the children fail.
Our parents died, they'll rest here well.
Been hearing voices, it's the corn.
Father Isaac you're no more.
Sweet virgins still refuse.
Bible verses...unamused.
My father, genocide.
My savior, Malachi.
Sweet virgins still refuse.
Bible verses, I'm unamused.
My father, genocide.
My savior, Malachi, Malachi, Malachi.