Story Behind the Song
This song is about every kid's favorite subject - CANDY! With barely room for a breath, this song rattles off almost every kind of candy you can think of! Of course, every kid's true favorite is ROCK KANDY - & THE ROLLER COASTERS!
Words & Music by Gary Kleinman
Published by Scary Gary Music (ASCAP)
Copyright © Gary Kleinman All Rights Reserved
Verse 1:
M&Ms, Double-Bubble, Good & Plenty, Butter Finger, Juju Bees
Peppermint patty, Sugar Daddy, cotton candy, Smarties, Hot Tamales
Snickers, Three Musketeers, Abba Zabba, Mounds, Almond Joy and Skittles
Jelly beans, Jaw Breakers, Life Savers, Now & Later, peanut brittle
Candy, candy -- it's all dandy
But my favorite is Rock Kandy
Rock Kandy, Rock Kandy, ROCK KANDY!
Rock Kandy, Rock Kandy, ROCK KANDY!
Rock Kandy, Rock Kandy, ROCK KANDY!
R - O - C - K K - A - N - D - Y . . . ROCK KANDY!
Verse 2:
Twix, Pixie Stix, candy apple, gum drops, Red Hots and Tootsie Pops
Malted milk Whoppers, Gobstoppers, Blow Pops, Dots, peanut butter cups
Baby Ruth, Jujy Fruit, Sweetarts, candy hearts, marshmallow
Hugs and Kisses, licorice, Raisenettes, Milks Duds, chocolate fudge and Caramello