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    "MOON GODDESS MARY"genre: Folk
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    Strophic Lullabye. Keyboard accompaniment (sequenced bass and drums). It possesses what I believe are inspired and tender melodic lines, lyrics and arrangement.
    Credits: Words and Music/Co-Produced by Ross Clark ©1993 ROSSONGS (BMI)-Vocals; John Lilley-Producer/Engineer, Arranger (Accompaniment), Keys and Synth Sequencing

    Story Behind the Song
    This is a song that came to me rather quickly one night while walking outside the music building at Houghton College where I witnessed a glorious and swollen moon. I used to enjoy being able to walk away from whatever music I was supposed to be working on and relax for a while in the presence of a very talented and technically skilled pianist friend of mine. She is also an incredibly lovely woman inside and out. I especially liked when she was in her practice room at the end of the night and it was the last thing I heard before I would return to my dorm room. I used her as the subject for this song and borrowed her middle name for the title.
    I was also priviledged to be attending school there with an especially talented composer/arranger/keyboard player. This guy could go off like nobody I've ever heard. Nowadays, he's rumored to still be haunting those campus grounds. That hasn't made it any easier for me to corner him to work with him again. Hopefully someday. He performed beautifully on this particular composition, and I am grateful to have something very lovely to remember those days by.
    This is my mother's favorite song of mine and some of my friends have told me they put their children in bed to this song and that it knocks 'em right out. Sometimes it even works for incurable nocturnal freak. You probably didn't know you could find a remedy for insomnia and restless babies on, now did ya?

    Moon Goddess Mary, play me a song.
    I could sit and listen all night long.
    And when you press your keys of ivory,
    All your brilliant moonbeams shine on me.

    The tides you spin flow peacefully
    Through your silken crown.
    And the waves you weave surround me
    As melodies pour softly down.
    How tenderly your fingers move,
    None other could replace
    The glow of your sweet harmonies
    Reflecting on my face.

    So good night, my lovely moon goddess.
    Until tomorrow when we meet,
    So I can once again
    Rest easy at your feet.

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