I have seen you in the darkness
I have saved your tears
How you struggle, how you worry
Swept away by all those fears
Oh, that you would turn your heart to me
So I could lead you safely home
If you could know how much you mean to me
You don't have to be alone
So hush, hush my little one, hush, shhh
You say tomorrow is a hopeless place
Full of pain, nowhere to hide
But I'm already there, I am everywhere
I am right here by your side
I am the hope that you've been searching for
I hold tomorrow in my hand
I am the key that opens every door
I am your rock in shifting sand
So hush, hush my little one, hush, do not fear
Hush, oh my little child, hush, I am here
When the days become as black as night
When mountains fall into the sea
When sun and moon no longer give their light
I AM, and I will always be
I am your healer and your redeemer
There is no cost, I've paid the price
So lift your hands to me, let me set you free
Let me be your guiding light
I'm like no one you've ever met before
For I am faithful and true
Open your heart to love, and trust once more
And I will give my heart to you
So hush, hush my little one, hush, I am here
Hush, my beloved, hush
Debbi Cardullo - vocals, guitar
Pete Cardullo - flute, keyboard
David Weinberg - bass